Day 38: get out of your own way

This morning my 11 months old daughter was playing in the room. she figured out how to shut the door but couldn’t open it. she was sitting close to the door and blocking herself from opening it. she was frustrated. searching for answers with cries. all she needed to do was to get out of her own way and the door would open. I wondered we adults are no different. we get angry when there is a blockage in our thoughts and start blaming on others or looking for answers elsewhere. but the answer could just be us. get out of your own way. how many times I have blamed others while the actual fault was within me. its my lack of awareness of the situation just like my daughter. I get frustrated sometimes and proceed to not look at what is the cause of frustration within me. it could just be as simple as me moving out of my own way. actually its this answer most of the time.

Published by Lifelong Learner

I write one random blog everyday. My interests are scattered all over. Sometimes I love to contemplate the intersection of science and philosophy. Sometimes I go down the rabbit hole of exploring new emerging pieces of technology like blockchain, AI, Quantum Computing. Some days I just ponder over the meaning of it all. I think about knowledge creation, ideas on evolution, computation and emergence in nature.

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