Day 43: the storm called time

“I had to go forward—into study, moneymaking, responsibilities, entanglements, confusions, errors, submissions, defeats. The storm pushing against me was time, ceaselessly flowing into the past, which just as ceaselessly dogs our heels. It exerts a mighty suction which greedily draws everything living into itself; we can only escape from it—for a while—by pressing forward. The past is terribly real and present, and it catches everyone who cannot save his skin with a satisfactory answer.” – Carl Jung (Dreams, reflection and memories)

what is the system I am building to counter the storm of time. there is none. all I can do is accept it with open arms. attempts to swim upstream is rarely a good idea. I often get insurmountable blockages. like Nietzsche said “Amor fatti”. love your fate. whatever happens to me is the fate leading me to these directions. doesn’t mean I have to stay passive and just leave everything to fate. it means think less of the outcomes. they will come to you anyways whether I like them or not. what I can do at this very moment in time is not to get carried away from the storms of the past and vacillating flow of river of time in the present. they are all real. what matters to me is how I am embracing all of the variations along the way. am I being anti fragile to the large shocks? that matters too. I can’t predict what the shocks are going to be. I have to accept them no matter what. but what I can do is manage a system that grows exponentially under stress and struggles. am I anti fragile in life. where is the system of anti fragility within me. writing this blog daily is a form of anti fragile strategy. the downside is low. but the upside is high. it can touch many people in many ways. there is no need for permission. it gets better with time no matter what the circumstances. in fact I can write out about the tough times and gain more from them rather than lose. blogging is anti fragile. I know I am digressing. that’s the point of this whole blog. I write random things with random tidbits whatever touch me at my inner core.

Published by Lifelong Learner

I write one random blog everyday. My interests are scattered all over. Sometimes I love to contemplate the intersection of science and philosophy. Sometimes I go down the rabbit hole of exploring new emerging pieces of technology like blockchain, AI, Quantum Computing. Some days I just ponder over the meaning of it all. I think about knowledge creation, ideas on evolution, computation and emergence in nature.

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