day 44: I may be paranoid, but I am not the android

I may be paranoid, but i am not the android. I am not the machine. I am human. there are emotions, actions, thoughts within me. I cry. I laugh. I get angry. I get hungry, happy, sad, surprised, puzzled. simple emotions make me feel alive. machine doesn’t feel any of that. it is asked to do sth and it does it with whatever it was programmed to do. anything outside is foreign to the machine. I am no machine. I can talk, think, speculate and act out my thoughts. I can imagine the future and make it real. I have ideals. I also have reality grounded on physicality. I live in the world of vastness knowledge. I can learn and grow my cognition all the time. sure I can be paranoid. and go around frantically searching for some ideals. but that is also the human within me. machine can’t be like that. I know how to be insane. I know how to be sane. I understand what it is to be intentional. I attempt read both conscious and subconscious within me. I am capable of introspection. I am capable of action. i am affirming to life. I can also be negating the life. I am capable of both. machine can’t be like that. I am full of contradictions. I am human. I have greed. I have will to power. I have humility. I am good. I am bad. I am good. I am evil. all of these are within me. cause I am human.

Published by Lifelong Learner

I write one random blog everyday. My interests are scattered all over. Sometimes I love to contemplate the intersection of science and philosophy. Sometimes I go down the rabbit hole of exploring new emerging pieces of technology like blockchain, AI, Quantum Computing. Some days I just ponder over the meaning of it all. I think about knowledge creation, ideas on evolution, computation and emergence in nature.

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