Day 31: clarity and obscurity

“Those who know that they are profound strive for clarity. Those who would like to seem profound strive for obscurity”
– Nietzsche (The gay Science)

what does it mean sth for to be clear. what does clarity imply. you get full length exposition on a topic. it roams around all the corners but it feels like nothing is hidden from its exposition. a crystallized approach. you can see through it. that’s what clarity. you can peer through it and immerse yourself comfortably in the topic. clarity happens when there is no need for further explanation on the topic of discussion. that doesn’t mean its the final. its just that you can see through the exposition and understand its limitations. understand the boundaries of the topic. get into the world where so many elements are incomplete. clarity happens when we get to know the incompleteness of the topic. I guess that’s what Nietzsche is talking about. if I know what I am talking is the profound nature of reality, my aim should be as clear as possible. understandable. executable. should show where the boundaries are. I can’t let this profound realization or finding go unnoticed. clarity is my sole medium to convey my realization. I will always strive for that. obscurity starts only when we pretend to seem profound. we cloud our thoughts with vague assertions. make it almost difficult to decipher. like a mystic mystery. open to whole host of unnecessary cryptic messages. there is cloud everywhere. nothing is clear cut. everything roams around like only select few have right to know about what they are talking about. making it seem even more profound. a sort of cult like club where you can access these obscure worlds with certain kinds of acknowledgement of the soul. obscurity comes with lack of convictions. also the lack of confidence in whatever you are doing. obscurity finds a way to peer into many parts of life. if I am obscure at one place then somehow its effects might have caught in another place. it makes sense. I am the same human experiencing these events. obscurity begets even more obscurity. I have to be conscious where they are invading me. am I keeping track of them. probably not. but will have to. its more like as things not to do or not to be. via negativa. a way to reduce obscurity.

Published by Lifelong Learner

I write one random blog everyday. My interests are scattered all over. Sometimes I love to contemplate the intersection of science and philosophy. Sometimes I go down the rabbit hole of exploring new emerging pieces of technology like blockchain, AI, Quantum Computing. Some days I just ponder over the meaning of it all. I think about knowledge creation, ideas on evolution, computation and emergence in nature.

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