Day 36: intelligence

what is intelligence. is it a skill to identify patterns in the data or is it something else. do I consider chatgpt intelligent. it is able to answer questions quite reasonably well. I know it is acting off of the corpus of the internet it was fed on. but you do need memory for intelligence. when you memorize things and are able to create answers and responses based on the memories of stuff you have stored it can be an intelligent thing. but isn’t that just a stochastic parrot. you can train a parrot with strong memory and make it answer all the questions based on your prompts. isn’t that what chatgpt is doing. I guess what’s missing here is the creative element of the process. once you go deep enough into the weeds of synthesizing completely new thing based off of only few examples chatgpt fails horribly. an intelligent machine should be able to make active inference based on only few examples it is provided. I don’t know if I would call chatgpt intelligent. but if I look at myself how am I so different from these llms. not much. I commit things to memory and try to create responses based on the ideas and elements committed to my memory space. but then how do the kids learn based on few examples. how do they come up with new words even if they are not shown those words. I guess intelligence needs embraces the idea of making connections with things of disparate nature and create a coherent story. but who am I to define what intelligence is. I am defining it based on human perspectives. may not work for other situations. I don’t know. I am just toying with these ideas.

Published by Lifelong Learner

I write one random blog everyday. My interests are scattered all over. Sometimes I love to contemplate the intersection of science and philosophy. Sometimes I go down the rabbit hole of exploring new emerging pieces of technology like blockchain, AI, Quantum Computing. Some days I just ponder over the meaning of it all. I think about knowledge creation, ideas on evolution, computation and emergence in nature.

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