Day 42: progress and infinite regress

what is the progress I am talking about. how does it march. what are the priorities in this journey. where am I going with all of this. why do I do the things I do. what is the value of what I am doing. what is the quality of what I am sticking with. whatContinue reading “Day 42: progress and infinite regress”

Spread the light of consciousness

Don’t wait for inspiration to strike. Play with words and ideas. Synthesize something different combining multiple perspectives. Start building a momentum towards a well-executed vision of future. You can’t sit around and wait for something to happen out of nowhere. Get out there on the field. Get your hands dirty. Strategize and execute plans withContinue reading “Spread the light of consciousness”

Altered Consciousness

Any information we consume alters our perception. We may not notice it. But, no matter how trivial the information is, it will find a way to nudge us into an altered state of consciousness. Things we see, hear and feel are affecting us everyday. Our external sensory perception activates the release of certain chemicals insideContinue reading “Altered Consciousness”

DNA and Consciousness

How often do you wonder about finding errors in your worldview? Are you learning from your mistakes? We are born to mistakes. Finding mistakes needs deep introspection. Progress cannot happen without profound reflection of thoughts and ideas. Progress through new knowledge creation is embedded in the emergent nature of our DNA and consciousness. Consciousness helpsContinue reading “DNA and Consciousness”

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