what makes a teacher great?

When I was in 3rd or 4th grade, there was a math teacher who would make problem solving like you are playing a game. he himself would engage deeply in the problem as if he is asking all of us to help his solve the problem. it felt like I was a part of theContinue reading “what makes a teacher great?”

How do I waste most of the time everyday

I scroll through social media a lot for no reason. I keep refreshing the feed as if something important will go unnoticed. I know there is not anything important going. yet I spend hours and hours of my life scrolling through social media platforms. sometimes I ask myself why. what is this all for. theContinue reading “How do I waste most of the time everyday”

Day 34: Confidence

what does it mean to be confident. I was talking to a friend yesterday. he was saying he wants to build a strong confidence for himself and his future kids. in his view confidence means being able to talk to anybody they want at any time. he wants to be free of the insecurities andContinue reading “Day 34: Confidence”

Do you practice religion

David Foster Wallace once said “There is no such thing as not worshipping. Everybody worships. The only choice we get is what to worship.” I don’t think I practice any sort of ideologies or ascetic stuff as religion. but I might be too blind to notice what I am worshipping. the religion within me isContinue reading “Do you practice religion”

What does having it all mean to you? is it attainable

Ralph Waldo Emerson already answered this for me: “To laugh often and much: To win the respect of intelligent people and the affection of children, to earn the appreciation of honest critics and endure the betrayal of false friends; to appreciate beauty, to find the best in others, to leave the world a bit betterContinue reading “What does having it all mean to you? is it attainable”

What am I good at

This is the thing I have been searching all my life. I don’t know. I keep asking myself this question. Nothing jumps out. I think I write fairly well. I like reading books. I do little bit of stats and little bit of philosophy. My interests on psychology, neuroscience, physics and maths are always there.Continue reading “What am I good at”

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