
Coherent whole of reality is different from its individual parts. Smaller components combine together and emerge as something new. In non-linear dynamics it’s called the emergent property of a system. Emergence is everywhere around us. It is in nature, our behaviors, economy and cities. It is a fundamental property of reality. The complexity associated withContinue reading “Emergence”

Mysterious Brain

Our brain is a complex system. It is an emergent world of its own. Neurons are the building blocks of brain. Scientists have been able to study individual neurons at a greater detail. They have identified properties of different parts within the neuron. But the emotions arising from the combination of multiple neurons have alwaysContinue reading “Mysterious Brain”

The Stories We Tell Ourselves

Changes we seek are the results of the stories we tell ourselves. The narratives we carry in our head are guiding us unconsciously. They are largely influenced by culture, surroundings and upbringing. We are basically carrying with us an emergent phenomenon that evolves through our thoughts, behaviors and environmental cues. Like any emergent phenomenon, thereContinue reading “The Stories We Tell Ourselves”

The Hidden Half

Philosopher Karl Popper once said “It might do us good to remember from time to time that, while differing widely in the various little bits we know, in our infinite ignorance we are all equal”. The perimeter of our ignorance is infinitely large. Its always a good idea to take step a back and rethinkContinue reading “The Hidden Half”

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