I am thankful for the Humanity

With millions of years of evolutionNew knowledge and transformative identityCreating advances and revolutionI am thankful for the humanity; Good explanation running its courseDynamic culture and foundation of creativityGenerating visions with full forceI am thankful for the humanity; Progress happens in slow and fast modeAlways at the beginning of infinityAligning heart and soul on the roadIContinue reading “I am thankful for the Humanity”

Panic-Induced Innovations

Sometimes panic can be a fuel for innovation. When faced with pressure, people tinker with different things. It breeds new ideas and creative execution strategies. At the start of world war II in 1939, people literally used horseback in battlefield. But, there was tremenduous pressure to figure out new ways to beat enemies. Within aContinue reading “Panic-Induced Innovations”

The Great Filter

We are living in one of the greatest filter bubbles in history. Everybody has their little corner of existence in internet fueled by anecdotal confirmations of their pre-conceived beliefs. People are easily offended when something doesn’t align with their worldview. Cult like behaviors are emerging. With advances in technology, its almost effortless to find aContinue reading “The Great Filter”

Exciting prospects of mRNA Vaccines

The prospects of mRNA vaccine are promising. This is probably the best thing that came out of this pandemic. The concept behind mRNA as a drug is strikingly simple: it is the molecule that your own cells use to carry instructions from your genes, written in a simple four-letter chemical language. If you can synthesizeContinue reading “Exciting prospects of mRNA Vaccines”

The world can only be grasped by actions

Humans have unique skills to create new tools and advance society using them. Over the course of civilization we have leveraged our actions to drive evolution of new technology. Our brain has expanded today more than ever. We have learned to use our hands to create the work of art and science. Even during prehistoricContinue reading “The world can only be grasped by actions”


Large part of modern life runs on algorithms. Our decision to shop, eat food, listen to music, travel etc.. are all affected by their influence. Real interactions among humans are at an all time low. Algorithms guide our impulses and occupy a huge part in our behaviors and motivation. The more data we feed them,Continue reading “Algorithms”

Diverge, Converge, Emerge

You want to figure out what you truly love. You start wandering aimlessly trying every random stuff on your way. Sometimes medieval and modern literature moved your soul. Sometimes studies of the emergent biological phenomena stirred your brain. Physics dragged you into the mystery of quantum mechanics and remarkable general theory of relativity. At someContinue reading “Diverge, Converge, Emerge”

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