How do I waste most of the time everyday

I scroll through social media a lot for no reason. I keep refreshing the feed as if something important will go unnoticed. I know there is not anything important going. yet I spend hours and hours of my life scrolling through social media platforms. sometimes I ask myself why. what is this all for. theContinue reading “How do I waste most of the time everyday”

Day 34: Confidence

what does it mean to be confident. I was talking to a friend yesterday. he was saying he wants to build a strong confidence for himself and his future kids. in his view confidence means being able to talk to anybody they want at any time. he wants to be free of the insecurities andContinue reading “Day 34: Confidence”

Day 19: general structure of my day

what do I do every morning. I wake up. I go to bathroom, brush and sanitize with a shower. then I spend the first couple of hours thinking about one topic only. reading a book. or learning sth interesting or new. it is not scheduled time. it can be flexible. I put the cup ofContinue reading “Day 19: general structure of my day”

This moment is your show

Υοu are not living life if you are thinking about prospects of tomorrow all the time. You are wasting the present chasing tomorrow. Future is unpredictable. There is no vast intelligence that can predict future looking at the initial conditions. We are living under cloud of uncertainty all the time. Make a move that alignsContinue reading “This moment is your show”

Stay out of Comfort Zone

Developing a new skill on your own account without needing to prove to anybody is an important hack for growth and innovation. A four year world kid learns to play on his own with instincts and consistent efforts. As we grow up, we lose that child-like curiosity and desire to do novel things on aContinue reading “Stay out of Comfort Zone”

All ranges of emotions

Kids are malleable beings. They pick up surrounding cues quickly. In the name of teaching them to be positive, we fail to introduce them to the complexity of our emotional health. Reality is composed of positive and negative emotions. Sometimes, it’s good to show how people can disagree with each other and live in aContinue reading “All ranges of emotions”

Appreciate Leisure

Being busy has nothing to do with acheiving maximum productivity. You are wasting time pretending to be busy. Rather, it pays to enjoy the moment, and embrace productivity that comes in bursts. Creative ideas are not generated every single day. They come to you in different intervals of time. You don’t have to fill emptyContinue reading “Appreciate Leisure”

“If you want to make the world a better place, work on being trustworthy, and honor those who are trustworthy. Be a good friend and surround yourself with worthy friends. Don’t gossip. Resist the joke that might hurt someone’s feelings even when it’s clever. And try not to laugh when your friend tells you thatContinue reading


Coherent whole of reality is different from its individual parts. Smaller components combine together and emerge as something new. In non-linear dynamics it’s called the emergent property of a system. Emergence is everywhere around us. It is in nature, our behaviors, economy and cities. It is a fundamental property of reality. The complexity associated withContinue reading “Emergence”

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